JNTUK B.Tech CSE 2-1 (R23) Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis Material PDF

 JNTUK B.Tech CSE 2-1 (R23) Advanced Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis Material PDF for all 5 units material is now available. The candidates who are looking for ADS & AA materials for JNTUK R23 can download from here.


Introduction to Algorithm Analysis, Space and Time Complexity analysis, Asymptotic Notations.

AVL Trees – Creation, Insertion, Deletion operations and Applications.

B-Trees – Creation, Insertion, Deletion operations and Applications.

UNIT – I Download Here


Heap Trees (Priority Queues) – Min and Max Heaps, Operations and Applications

Graphs – Terminology, Representations, Basic Search and Traversals, Connected Components and Biconnected Components, applications

Divide and Conquer: The General Method, Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Strassen’s matrix multiplication, Convex Hull

UNIT – II Download Here


Greedy Method: General Method, Job Sequencing with deadlines, Knapsack Problem, Minimum cost spanning trees, Single Source Shortest Paths.

UNIT-III Part-I Download Here 

Dynamic Programming: General Method, All pairs shortest paths, Single Source Shortest Paths – General Weights (Bellman Ford Algorithm), Optimal Binary Search Trees, 0/1 Knapsack, String Editing, Travelling Salesperson problem.

UNIT-III Part-II Download Here 


Backtracking: General Method, 8-Queens Problem, Sum of Subsets problem, Graph Coloring, 0/1 Knapsack Problem

UNIT-IV Part-I Download Here  

Branch and Bound: The General Method, 0/1 Knapsack Problem, Travelling Salesperson problem.

UNIT-IV Part-II Download Here 


NP Hard and NP Complete Problems: Basic Concepts, Cook’s theorem

NP Hard Graph Problems: Clique Decision Problem (CDP), Chromatic Number Decision Problem (CNDP), Traveling Salesperson Decision Problem (TSP)

NP Hard Scheduling Problems: Scheduling Identical Processors, Job Shop Scheduling.

UNIT-V Download Here 

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