JNTUK B.Tech 2-2 Machine Learning Subject Material PDFs for all 5 units are now available, the candidates who are looking for R23 ML materials can download from here
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UNIT-I: Introduction to Machine Learning
Evolution of Machine Learning, Paradigms for ML, Learning by Rote, Learning by Induction, Reinforcement Learning, Types of Data, Matching, Stages in Machine Learning, Data Acquisition, Feature Engineering, Data Representation, Model Selection, Model Learning, Model Evaluation, Model Prediction, Search and Learning, Data Sets.
Download UNIT-I Here
UNIT-II: Nearest Neighbor-Based Models:
Introduction to Proximity Measures, Distance Measures, Non-Metric Similarity Functions, Proximity Between Binary Patterns, Different Classification Algorithms Based on the Distance Measures ,K-Nearest Neighbor Classifier, Radius Distance Nearest Neighbor Algorithm, KNN Regression, Performance of Classifiers, Performance of Regression Algorithms.
Download UNIT-II Here
UNIT-III: Models Based on Decision Trees
Decision Trees for Classification, Impurity Measures, Properties, Regression Based on Decision Trees, Bias–Variance Trade-off, Random Forests for Classification and Regression
The Bayes Classifier: Introduction to the Bayes Classifier, Bayes’ Rule and Inference, The Bayes Classifier and its Optimality, Multi-Class Classification | Class Conditional Independence and Naive Bayes Classifier (NBC)
Download UNIT-III Here
UNIT-IV: Linear Discriminants for Machine Learning
Introduction to Linear Discriminants, Linear Discriminants for Classification, Perceptron Classifier, Perceptron Learning Algorithm, Support Vector Machines, Linearly Non-Separable Case, Non-linear SVM, Kernel Trick, Logistic Regression, Linear Regression, Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs), Backpropagation for Training an MLP.
Download UNIT-IV Here
UNIT-V: Clustering
Introduction to Clustering, Partitioning of Data, Matrix Factorization | Clustering of Patterns, Divisive Clustering, Agglomerative Clustering, Partitional Clustering, K-Means Clustering, Soft Partitioning, Soft Clustering, Fuzzy C-Means Clustering, Rough Clustering, Rough K-Means Clustering Algorithm, Expectation Maximization-Based Clustering, Spectral Clustering.
Download UNIT-V Here